The Easiest and Most Organised Way to Plan Your Travels

Think of this planning guide as a travel mood board.

Tips to Keep in Mind Before Catching Flights During COVID-19

Although lockdown rules have relaxed in some countries, travelling has undeniably changed. I travelled home to Canada and back to the UK last month. I understand that it was a non-essential trip, but I genuinely missed my family. I am in no way encouraging you to get on a plane because it was not one…

Hitchhiking in the Canadian Rocky Mountains – as a 5’2”, Female

There are a handful of things we don’t confess to our mothers: like getting piercings in sketchy neighborhoods in Rio from artists who don’t speak English or crossing into countries illegally. Crowning the list of adventures that would provoke parents to fly across the globe and drag you back home from your backpack straps is hitchhiking. There…

Paris, is it worth the hype?

Warning: The following content may contain elements that can distort unrealistic fantasies of Paris and is unsuitable for audiences who want to continue to have Eiffel Tower magazine cutouts on their honeymoon vision boards. Viewer discretion is advised. When traveling, there are two things that I factor in harshly: a high culture shock and a…

22 Things I’ve UNLearned About Traveling at 22

This is my official adult birthday since graduation and I celebrated by getting my eyebrows done, putting the $50 mom gifted me into my savings, and doing leg day after a 9 hour shift. With that said, I’m still sort of satisfied. I felt the love coming all the way from Vancouver to Hong Kong. This entire…

How to Convince Your Brown Parents to Let You Travel the World

Convincing parents to let you travel alone is generally hard, but asking as a brown girl is even worse. I was triggered to write this post because my Pakistani/Muslim co-worker recently told me that her 19-year-old twin brother got to travel across Europe with his friends but she could never imagine her parents letting her…

Everything You Need to Know Before Teaching English Abroad

I’m sure many of us have thought of doing this at some point. Especially when we’re broke and desperate to travel fresh out of our undergrad with little to no experience in teaching whatsoever.  If you end up finding the right opportunity, take these tips with you. You are not a real English teacher so…

One small step for man, one giant leap for Chef Zahra

August 3rd, 2017 This day should really go down in history. After 21 years, 7 months, and 3 days, Zahra Khozema cooked herself a meal without the help of a microwave, Maggie, or mama. As someone who LOVES to eat, it’s a shame I can’t cook. It truly is disgraceful, not because I should know…